Introduction to cetology involves acquiring basic knowledge of cetaceans, their biology, behavior, ecology and conservation.
The association offers two different levels of training so that you can follow the course best suited to your goals and desires.
For a complete learning experience, for each level, theoretical knowledge is combined with practical activities in the field.
Introduction to Cetology
Open to all, no prerequisites!
1 day theory course
1/2 day at sea
20 spots available
Module 1: Understanding cetaceans
- be able to explain what a cetacean is
- get a better idea of the diversity within the cetacean order
- introduce the cetaceans of French Polynesia
Module 2 : Cetacean biology
- discover the origin and evolution of cetaceans
- learn about the constraints of aquatic life
- present the adaptations implemented
Module 3 : Threats to cetaceans
- identifying threats to cetacean populations
- possible solutions and innovative projects
- better knowledge for better protection
Module 4 : Regulations in French Polynesia
- understand the regulatory context
- identify the difficulties involved in studying these animals
Member rates
Non-member rates
7 500 XPF
15 000 XPF
Cetology at sea
1 day theory course
1/2 day at sea
8 spots available
Module 1: Understanding cetaceans
- be able to explain what a cetacean is
- get a better idea of the diversity within the cetacean order
- introduce the cetaceans of French Polynesia
Module 2 : Photo-identification
- understanding the role and purpose of photo-identification
- notions of marking - capture - recapture
- implementing photo-identification
Module 3 : Research - Challenges and prospects
- constraints on cetacean research
- improving knowledge for their preservation and conservation
- why study marine mammals?
Module 4 : Methods for studying cetacean populations
- telemetry
- molecular biology
- biopsy
- visual detection
- line transects
- acoustic detection
- strandings
12 000 XPF